Following the implementation of electronic nursing records in a psychogeriatric ward, we examined nursing staff�s attitudes and\r\nperceptions to the implementation of an electronic handover routine. A web-based anonymous and secure questionnaire was\r\ndistributed by e-mail to all nursing staff at a psychogeriatric ward at a university hospital. Most respondents were satisfied with\r\nthe electronic handover, and they believed they managed to keep informed by the new routine. The simultaneous introduction of\r\na morning meeting, to ensure a forum for oral professional discussion, was a success. A minority of staff did not fully trust the\r\ninformation conveyed in the electronic handover, and a significant proportion expressed a need for guidance in using the system.\r\nStaff that had a high level of trust in written reports believed these saved time, had little trouble finding time and a place to read\r\nthe reports, and were more positive to the new handover routine.